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Business Immigration – General

Business Immigration – General

Business immigration, in contrary to its private counterpart, is an immigration class that is based on the relationship between the individual applicant and the business organization who employs the individual. Immigration law is a dynamic legal field, constantly changing, particularly at this time. Political decisions made by the federal government determined to cope with traditional problems shadowing the immigration system as a whole have led to the cancellation of traditional immigration principles and the creation of new ones.

Persons seeking immigration to Canada based on employment relationship are able to do so in two main avenues, The Temporary Foreign Worker Avenue and the Permanent Residency Avenue.

The prominent advantage in the Temporary Foreign Worker route for both the employee as well as the employer is a significant reduction in processing times on behalf of the immigration authorities. On the other hand, temporary work permits usually bind the individual to a specific employer and a specific employment position for which the permit was issued to begin with. Immigration under the permanent residency avenue is indeed lengthier, but awards the individual with the freedom of choice with respect to both the field of employment as well as the employer.


